Alcohol Women

Alcoholic/Addict. What’s the big difference?

It breaks my heart when I hear a newcomer to sobriety open up and speak her truth in an AA meeting, only to be chased down and scolded post-meeting because she mentioned the word “drugs,” or referred to herself as an “addict” instead of an “alcoholic.” Ok, we do have separate programs for alcohol and […]


Addiction to alcohol, drugs and sex: yes, they are real diseases

With Tiger Woods in the media spotlight, the debate has sprung up yet again. Is overindulgence in vices like sex, drugs and alcohol a symptom of an authentic illness, or is it just plain poor decision-making? When an individual has an addiction to something that doesn’t sound like fun, for example self-mutilation or vomiting, people […]


Is relapse a part of recovery?

Many times when an addict or alcoholic comes crawling back to the rooms of AA and NA after deciding to try drinking or using one more time, she is welcomed back and told, “It’s okay – relapse is a part of recovery.” For some people, this may be true. For others, relapse is a part […]

Therapies Offered

Staying single in the first year of sobriety

You may have heard it from a sponsor, a friend, or staff member at treatment: Don’t date in your first year of sobriety. I know, it sounds unfair. What else are you supposed to do for distraction? Well, that’s exactly the point. Nothing. Dating is an incredibly easy way to stop thinking about yourself and […]

California's Best drug and Addiction Treatment Center

What is dual-diagnosis?

Dual-diagnosis is a term used to denote individuals who suffer from drug addiction or alcoholism as well as another mental disorder (often bipolar disorder, PTSD, or eating disorders). Considering the fact that addicts tend to be people who use and drink to self-medicate for pre-existing problems, it’s not surprising to learn that dual-diagnosis is incredibly […]

Drug Celebrity

Celebrity drug-related deaths

Though the recent death of Corey Haim may not have been a drug overdose (the toxicology report has yet to be released), there has been a lot of speculation that drugs were involved. This could simply be because of the actor’s well-known struggle with drug and alcohol addiction, but it has been confirmed that illegal […]

Drug Rehab

Study supports treating PTSD and substance abuse simultaneously

A recent RCT study of 353 women that were assigned to either 12 sessions of trauma-focused or health education group treatment showed that PTSD severity reductions were more likely associated with substance use improvement, whereas minimal reduction in PTSD was found with substance use reduction. These findings have important implications because of the high rate […]

What are Common Signs of Addiction?

Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAMS: HELP IS AVAILABLE For individuals who have a history of using drugs in excess, drug abuse treatment programs provide the opportunity and the necessary tools to start life anew. WHAT IS DRUG ABUSE? Drug abuse can be defined as excessive or gratuitous use of drugs. Though using drugs is never a […]

Drug Addiction Treatment pexels alex green 5699475 scaled

Drug Addiction Treatment

DRUG ADDICTION TREATMENT Drug addiction treatment functions as a safe haven for the addict, isolating him or her from environmental stresses that create the desire to use. By distancing the addict from work-related pressure, uncomfortable social situations, family conflict, and other potential triggers, the likelihood of relapse in the first stage of recovery is significantly lessened. […]